Tech Lead / Founder Playlist
Tech Lead / Founder Playlist
Suggested music for whatever today brings.
Last night one of my family members mentioned “it’s the final countdown” - one of my new favourite hobbies in this digital world is being able to beam a song to almost any sound system. I also love puns. Playing songs as a subtle audio pun sparks joy for me.
So, on went “It’s the final countdown” by Europe. The reason this song is top of mind for me is that I have used it as therapy / humour / irony / “no it’s the actual final countdown” in various different business units over the years. A flood of other situational songs came to mind - I thought I would share them incase any of the following is helpful to you.
Sometimes the task of building a company and/or technical product needs a good soundtrack. If you’ve ever been a tech lead and/or founder of a company - this playlist is for you.
By all means, if you have suggestions, please add them in the comments.
Disclaimer: Many of these songs are not safe for work.
The Final Countdown
Suggested uses:
You need to make a big sale to hit your numbers this week/month/quarter/year
You’re out of ideas and need a “Hail Mary” pass to pivot the company
You’re literally counting down the days of cashflow that you have available
Your boss says something to the effect of “we need to review your numbers from last quarter”
Ditto if it’s an investor/board member
Eye of the Tiger
Suggested uses:
You’re getting ready for a big pitch
“I’ll see you in court”
“Let’s gather every department head and see if we can hammer out a consensus”
Suggested uses:
“Your company made a great pitch, but you were the runner up”
“We forgot to accrue some expenses and defer some revenue, so the year end statements might look a LITTLE different than what you were expecting to see.”
Senior leadership wants to put out a Friday release
“Technical debt isn’t a real thing”
Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)
Suggested uses:
“Can we make the logo bigger?”
“We need more pop in the design….”
“I know what the data says but I like the old design better.”
Getting ready for your meeting to discuss Friday releases
Lose Yourself
Suggested uses:
Making the big pitch (bonus marks if you eat spaghetti before)
You’re the developer and your boss makes you present
You get caught in an unexpected rap battle
I’ve no more f***ks to give
Suggested uses:
You make the logo bigger
You make the pop
You agree to a Friday release
You want to listen to a NSFW song at work.
Plan A doesn’t work.
Plan B doesn’t work.
Plan C doesn’t work.
Plan D doesn’t work.
Plan E doesn’t work.
… maybe we should try Plan A again
All I do is Win
Suggested uses:
All you do is win
You lost but have a heightened appreciation of irony
You managed to NOT release on Friday
Your first draft of code compiled with no errors
QA department reviews your ticket and doesn’t have any feedback
You work with Jon Clemens and want to drive him crazy.
PS - In my opinion, the Emma Stone version of this song on Jimmy Fallon’s show is one of the best videos on YouTube.
What did I miss?