Branding #LdnOnt - Recap Episode
A Tale of Two Cities
I find the tension that exists in London palpable. It flows through every aspect of our city. Economic. Political. Social.
I think this tension is what makes us great. I also think it’s what holds us back. The first three interviews encapsulate the excitement, opportunity and tension that exists in our community. We get a unique opportunity to look forwards, but also backwards, and review some of the trends that made our city what it is today.
Rachel Berdan, the cohost of Branding #LdnOnt, and I review and recap what we learned from the first three interviews. We will do one of these recap episodes after every three interviews. I have the benefit of having conducted the interviews, whereas Rachel is hearing them in the same order as you, the listener.
We hope that this episode pulls together some of the pieces of the narrative. We don’t have the answers, but we think we have pretty good questions!