Branding #LdnOnt - Intro
I started the Branding #LdnOnt project in May of 2018. I originally had the idea of an editorialized series that could tell the brand story of London, Ontario. I have lived in London for over 18 years now and continue to be frustrated by the lack of vision for our city and what makes it great. For those of us that live here, we can easily say that our city is great. Many of us choose to be here. Articulating WHY the city is great is a challenge.
I had a theory that what London does better than any other city is focusing on Human Innovation. You can read the original blog post here.
When it came time to edit these interviews for context and to try to editorialize them I came across a profound problem. The interviews became individual stories. They are the stories of a person’s relationship to their city. It suddenly felt very presumptuous for me to be able to edit down what an individual’s relationship to the city looked like.
Secondly, each interview was great. Quite a few people that helped us with this project had commented that they’re not sure what to cut out of each interview. Each interview is a powerful reflection on what it means to be an individual amongst 400,000.
As such, we’ve made a decision to air the full interviews, unedited except for technical glitches. We hope you’ll enjoy hearing these stories as much as we enjoyed recording them.